Here you can ask questions about growing cannabis, discuss cannabis laws and politics in Finland and other countries, and so forth. Please use English in all posts to this section.
You have to be registered in order to write messages. See the registration form in English.
:!: Note: This is not meant to be a marketplace for cannabis. Queries such as where you can buy hash/marijuana in Finland are not welcome! (And will be deleted as well as the user accounts of people who fail to comply with this.)
Common sense rules also apply - it's good to be polite, don't post if you don't really have anything meaningful to say, etc.

Other web forums
In addition to the Finnish Hamppuforum, you can find lots of growing information and discussion in different languages e.g. at these places:
ICMAG forums (English)
Swecan forums (Swedish)
Norcan (Norwegian)
DCF online (Danish)