ViestiKirjoittaja username » 25.11.2018 1:40
Dear dizzzy,
I am glad you are interested in the hobby. I have also lived in student housing and run a few hundred watts when electricity was included. A heater is much more than your ufo. Some people are even leaving the oven on with the door open because it is too cold when they can not control their heating with a thermostat. Don't worry about the power consumption at all. I have even run thousands of watts in a place that was rented with electricity included in the bill. Don't worry about that at all. Also, if you are growing less than 50 plants, no you don't get in real trouble, just a fine based on your income. Pay it if it happens. It can be ~60€ if you are a student. Even if you were growing more than 50 plants, if you have never been caught before, you don't do jail time, because they want to first tell you that you are a very bad boy for growing plants they don't want you to smoke, and if you do it again, there might be consequences. Don't worry about it at all. What else..
A space bucket sounds fun, like they do over on Eddit. 300w UFO LED is good for a half square meter. I would use that lamp, but instead of bothering with making a space bucket(maybe it is fun to build, but..) for the sake of yield, I would buy a GT424 NFT system made by Nutriculture(ordering this online is safe, but maybe they have it at your local hrow/hydroponics store for a more expensive price if you live in Tampere, Turku, or Helsinki) and learn how to use it. You simply cover it with plastic and put plants inside. I root my clones and sometimes put them directly into the water, with no rockwool. If you put a water pump in the tank, the water will be more oxygenated, and the water will be very fresh, but it's a bonus not necessary. This way will be faster and easier than building a spacebucket, and will give you great yields for a few plants. put them in a small tent like 90x90cm and 1.5 or 1.7m high and add a fan to pump the air out. Scrub the air with a carbon filter so you don't stink up the neighborhood, or else somebody might come and steal you stuff, including the blue guys.
I hope this is helpful! If you have any questions, please just ask!
Yours truly,